12 Fruits and Vegetables That Resemble Body Parts

12 Fruits and Vegetables That Resemble Body Parts

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are good for us, but have you noticed that some foods look like our organs? The expression, "You are what you eat”, is very common. Be that as it may, is there a deeper and more concrete connection between what we eat, our bodies, and our health? 

On the off chance that you set aside the effort to study details about what sustenances are useful for certain body parts and what they seem through, you can reach some interesting conclusions. Below is a list of foods that look like the body parts they benefit from, 12 fruits and vegetables that resemble body parts.

1. Grapes

Grapes have an undeniable resemblance to the alveoli in our lungs. The alveoli are small sacs inside our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and the bloodstream. Including red or purple grapes in your diet may reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema.

2. Red beans

Beans are the most similar food to the kidney. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber and are also very rich in protein and iron, which is great for our kidneys.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very reminiscent of our pancreas and can help balance the glycemic index of diabetics. They are an excellent source of vitamins A, and C, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6.

4. Tomatoes

Their red color isn’t the only thing that reminds us of our hearts, they also have a very similar internal part. Since this fruit is rich in potassium and iron, we can guarantee its importance for our heart and blood.

5. Olives

Olives improve the health and function of ovaries. Both olive and olive oil contain an abundance of phenolic antioxidants as well as the anti-cancer compounds squalene and terpenoid.

6. Bananas

Everyone knows bananas are good for you. But no one knows why they’re so good. Bananas contain a protein called "tryptophan," an amino acid, which when deferred is converted into serotonin, the hormone responsible for happiness. So keep eating bananas if you want to be happy!

7. Onions

They resemble the cells of the human body. It has been proven that onions eliminate waste from all cells in the body. The phytochemicals in onions help out Vitamin C in our body, providing us with a more resistant immune system. They also contain chromium, which helps regulate blood sugar.

8. Ginger

Ginger’s shape is very similar to that of our stomach, and it’s no coincidence that it has been used for centuries to alleviate digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, and pain.

9. Avocado

The "good" fats in avocado and its nutrients help maintain hormonal balance, especially when it comes to the female organism. It can act to prevent cancers in places like our uterus and ovaries.

10. Mushrooms

Have you noticed that mushrooms look just like the inside of our ears? Mushroom consumption can prevent hearing loss. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D which is not very common in our diet and is responsive to our ear health.

11. Celery

We cannot deny that the resemblance between celery and our bones is uncanny. Did you know that this vegetable can strengthen our bones?

12. Figs

Figs can increase sperm count in the male reproductive system, and improve male virility.