Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D

Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D
Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D 

Did you know that there is a vitamin D that can bring big improvements to your life? But, how can a vitamin proposal have so many benefits? According to a study done at Newcastle College, England, doctors are slow to identify and treat the deficiency of this vitamin, and it ends up harming people's health. Do you know whatever vitamin we are talking about?

Benefits of Vitamin D 

Vitamin D

This vitamin is a hormone and a very important one to your health. Have you ever done a test to know where your vitamin D levels are? It can be obtained through sunscreen exposure or food. Did you know that this lack of vitamin D can cause a lot of complications? Many people believe that vitamin D is only necessary for bone tissues. But that's not true. 

Vitamin D also influences the immune system, which is great for preventing metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation, and infections. It also works in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and the cellular differentiation process, such as the many types of cancer, etc.

And, according to a study done by a British college, 50% of English people have vitamin D deficiency, which favors the development of many diseases. This deficiency can be even bigger in dark-skinned people because of the high concentration of melanin, which can dissipate 99,9% of the UV radiation absorbed by the skin and hinder vitamin D synthesis.

Elders are also in the group of people who need to pay attention to vitamin D deficiency. A medium-aged person with light skin, when exposed to the midday sun for 20 minutes, produces around 2,000 units of vitamin D. An older person takes 2 to 10 times more time to produce this same amount. Did you know that? Besides that, if you use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, it will reduce 99% of your natural vitamin D production. Many people can argue that since they have a good diet, they don't need to worry about vitamin D

But the truth is, it doesn't suppurate because 90% of any vitamin D found in your body is produced directly by it from sun exposure. That's the reason this problem is usually more serious in places that are distant from the Equator line since the sun doesn't shine with the same intensity and frequency in those places. And for children:

Did you know that babies are born having vitamin D stock? It is enough for them to be away from the sun for 2 months. Amazing, isn't it? However, after this period, it is important to take your baby on walks for at least 5 minutes, around the midday sun, so your child can get all the vitamins needed to grow up. According to the British study, under 25 nmol/l (nanomole per liter) of vitamin D indicates a deficiency of this vitamin, while 25 to 50 nmol/l is insufficient. 

The idea is above 75 nmol/l. It is worth it to remember that people under 50 are at a higher risk of mortality and have bigger risks of heart disease, heart attack, type-2 diabetes, and rectal colon cancer (third most common), and women also have a risk of breast cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

Besides that, another study suggests that vitamin D deficiency doubles the risk of Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases. Still according to this study, to improve your vitamin D levels, it is necessary to consume a dose higher than recommended by doctors today. It can be either a daily dose of 10,000 IU or a weekly dose of 60,000 IU.

Another option is an intramuscular injection of 600,000 IU of vitamin D, which can be injected by a doctor or health expert until you reach the level considered good. So, are you curious to know where your vitamin D levels are? Talk to your doctor moreover ask for the tests to start getting all the benefits of this powerful hormone.