12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs

History is fascinating, it's filled with stories of interpersonal relationships, battles, and many influential personalities. In this article, we are going to try and get a better perspective of these Historical figures with the help of their zodiac signs. Let's start the list with one of the most popular Renaissance figures. 

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Leonardo Da Vinci

1. Leonardo Da Vinci  (Aries) 

Leonardo Da Vinci is a name that continues to inspire numerous people to this day. You might have heard about his paintings the Mona Lisa or The Last Supper. His zodiac sign is Aries, a sign that is associated with the first house in astrology and is related to new beginnings. When you consider all these things, you may realize that Leonardo Da Vinci's life is a portrait of how an Aries is supposed to be. 

He lived during the Italian Renaissance and was a total Renaissance man. Just like most Aries people, he had a wide range of interests from art, literature, and music to science and technology. He shows this in his work called The Vitruvian Man, a portrayal that walks a fine line between art and science. It is also one of the first depictions of the human form. Talk about setting a trend.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Florence Nightingale

2. Florence Nightingale (Taurus)

When you think about a Taurus, you think of a calculative and determined individual. The people born under this sign are also very reliable and resourceful. Probably, one of the best examples of a Taurus in history is Florence Nightingale. She is considered one of the greatest personalities of Victorian culture. Initially a statistician, Florence Nightingale took on the responsibility of looking after wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. 

In those days, nursing wasn't the best profession, but she changed this mindset and laid the foundations of modern professional nursing. Probably her most iconic image is the one where she's making the rounds at the hospital ward to check on the wounded soldiers at night. That's why she was named, "The Lady with the Lamp." To sum it all up, she was a true Taurean.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Queen Victoria

3. Queen Victoria (Gemini)

One simply does not talk about the Victorian era without mentioning the iconic monarch herself, Queen Victoria. During her reign, England went through a transformation in the fields of scientific, industrial, political, cultural, and military. Like a true Gemini, Queen Victoria was well-known for her wit and intelligence. Historians also claim that she was very articulate and capable of talking people into doing her bidding. 

This isn't a surprise, Gemini is a sign that loves to communicate. You know what, these traits probably helped her become one of the most popular monarchs in World History. Interestingly, her reign is also marked by many great events, the biggest being the expansion of the British Empire. Hey, you have to be something pretty special to have an era named after you.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Hellen Keller

4. Hellen Keller (Cancer)

People who achieve their dreams despite all odds are called POWERFUL. That is probably the most appropriate word that can be used on the American author, political activist, and lecturer, Hellen Keller. Her life story is an inspiration and why wouldn't it be? She is a Cancer and like all those born under this sign, she was gutsy. She never gave up on her dreams and with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, she became the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. 

Her autobiography The Story Of My Life is a must-read if you have not read it yet. It touches on so many aspects of her life and we guarantee you'll be in tears by the end. As a moon child she had it all; compassion, empathy, and the bottomless depth of emotions, which as you can probably imagine, she found hard to express.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Napoleon Bonaparte

5. Napoleon Bonaparte (Leo)

A person who dares to even think about conquering an entire continent has to be given the credit for being ambitious. Leos are just that and one person born under this zodiac sign was Napoleon Bonaparte. If there was one person in history who showcased the legendary Leo determination then it was Napoleon. Initially, a military official, Napoleon became a ruler after overthrowing the monarchy, in an event that has been immortalized in history as "The French Revolution." 

The lion did not stop there though, he continued his campaign and was preparing to take over Europe. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned after Waterloo. Yet, Napoleon Bonaparte remains one of the most talked-about leaders in history. Come to think of it, Leos does know how to leave an impression.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Mary Shelley

6. Mary Shelley (Virgo)

Virgos are known for their attention to detail and nothing will go unnoticed by this meticulous sign. They are also a bit shy and prefer to work in the shadows. This is especially true when you think about Mary Shelley. For most of her life, Mary chose to stay in the shadow of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley as his editor and she even helped promote his work. 

When one of the greatest romantic poets of all time chooses you to edit his work that means you have to be that good at what you do. She had an eye for detail and just like most Virgos, she had a way with words. This can also be seen in her novel, Frankenstein, which is a piece of fiction but it's very detailed and urges the reader to dive deeper into the story.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs

7. Augustus (Libra)

When you are born under the zodiac sign of Libra then many things can be expected from your personality. Whether it is your charm, your ability to analyze a scenario or the way you come up with quick solutions to stressful situations. These traits helped Augustus become one of the most well-known strategists of military warfare in his era. He was feared by his enemies because he could easily understand their weaknesses and exploit them. 

Of course, he was involved in a bit of controversy but the Libra influence was very evident in his personality. According to many historians, Augustus was also a very charming and friendly man off the battlefield, a common trait that can be found in many people born under this sign. Here is something that you may not have known, he is the founder of Rome and one of the greatest military leaders of all time. Talk about an epic resume.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
 Pablo Picasso

8. Pablo Picasso (Scorpio)

What happens when you are ruled by Mars, have a dark side, but are also very creative? Well, you get someone like Pablo Picasso. When destiny asked this question to Pablo, he chose the life of Art. Often regarded as one of the most remarkable painters, sculptors, poets, playwrights, and designers, whoever lived Picasso's varied interests could only be compared to the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci. 

As a Scorpio, Picasso had a depth that often came out in the form of art. His passion has left a legacy that is almost impossible to follow. He's still considered to be one of the most iconic and influential personalities of the 20th century. Hmm, this almost makes you wonder what people like Picasso or Da Vinci were doing differently than us. No wonder people in MENSA estimate that their IQs are above 200.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace

9. Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (Sagittarius)

People born under the sign of Sagittarius love adventure and have a knack for creating something new. This is what Lady Ada Lovelace did when she presented her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer. She was the first person to understand that a computer, which was dubbed the Analytical Engine at that time, had more potential than just being a calculating machine. 

She also published the first algorithm that can be carried out by such a machine. This is why she is considered to be the first computer programmer in the world. Now, computers are some of the most essential devices for daily usage. Can you imagine life without them? Thank you, Lady Lovelace, it would not have been possible without you.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Clara Barton

10. Clara Barton (Capricorn)

When you are born under the sign of Capricorn, you are ambitious, determined, and thorough. This sign is called the CEO of the zodiac for a reason. They like to focus on one thing at a time and usually have everything extremely planned and prepared. They are also known to be very hardworking and tenacious. One good example of a Capricorn who matches these descriptions perfectly is Clara Barton. 

She was the person who founded the American Red Cross in an era when there was no institute or school to give a nurse education. She rose to prominence as one of the few nurses who could lead. She served during the American Civil War period and was also a teacher as well as a patent clerk. Due to her contributions, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1973.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Rosa Parks

11. Rosa Parks (Aquarius)

Aquarius is known for its humanitarian ways and its constant need to find a better way for humanity to thrive. This sign often wants to reach out to others and help which is why they do well as activists and social workers. American activist, Rosa Parks had all these qualities and more. 

She rose to prominence after she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger, which later led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After this, the United States Congress dubbed her "First Lady of Civil Rights" and "The Mother of Freedom Movement". Wow! Those are some titles to live up to.

12 Historical Figures with Zodiac Signs
Albert Einstein

12. Albert Einstein (Pisces)

Admit it, you saw this one coming, didn't you? Oh come on, we couldn't have left this guy out. Born on the 14th of March, Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and probably one of the most notable names in the field of science. He was a Pisces and you can see the influence of the zodiac sign in his life. Whether it be gazing outside through the window for inspiration or coming up with one of the most famous formulas of all time, E=MC2. 

One interesting thing to know is that when he first proposed this formula, the scholars laughed at him, but he never lost his faith. Come to think of it, that is a very Pisces thing to do, people born under this sign never stop believing in themselves. It paid off for him as he became one of the names that revolutionized theoretical physics and his theory of relativity is one of the founding pillars of modern physics, along with quantum mechanics.