Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy
Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Have you ever heard about ozone therapy? Besides being found in the stratosphere that protects us, ozone is a gas with many different uses and is beneficial for the human body. Executed you know that? Many people already know about ozone therapy, an alternative therapy that has been used and studied for over 150 years.

According to researchers, ozone was found in 1840 and started being utilized in health in the 19th century by German doctors. The procedure was disseminated throughout Mexico, Europe, Canada, China, Cuba, and 23 states of the USA.

The therapy uses ozone both in liquid and gas forms, which can be applied in many ways, like endovenous, intramuscular, and rectal, for treating different medical conditions.

The gas form has around 5% ozone and 95% oxygen and is produced by equipment called a medical ozone generator. When World War One, it was used to disinfect wounds, as an anti-inflammatory, and to improve the blood flow of soldiers.

Just today, ozone therapy is used to improve the oxygenation of tissues, for blood flow, and to reduce pain and inflammation. Furthermore, ozone has important bactericides, fungicides, and antiviral properties. Isn't it amazing? A study reconsidered in 2011 reports that ozone therapy had therapeutic effects when used for:

  • Arthritis treatment,
  • Disinfection of wounds,
  • Strengthening of the immune system,
  • Fight HIV and SARS,
  • Treatment of ischemic heart diseases,
  • Macular degeneration, and cancer.

Ozone therapy benefits

It is important to understand that only qualified professionals can prescribe the dose and way of application of ozone therapy. Also, ozone is an unstable and dangerous gas when inhaled. It wants to be created under specific methods and equipment.

Today, ozone therapy has many different uses and is gaining more and more space in health and beauty clinics and shows some significant benefits for people. Besides everything we previously mentioned, ozone also works to sanitize foods, like fruits and vegetables, mattresses, and barns.

It can also be used in beauty treatments to prevent wrinkles and fine lines and to improve joint pain, chronic pains, disc herniation, disc protrusion, and lumbar pain.

Ozone contributes to treating colitis and other chronic intestinal inflammations, improves viral diseases, such as hepatitis and herpes, and helps in the treatment of different types of cancer, helping fight tumors and reducing the side effects of radio and chemotherapy.

Finally, it can also be used as ozonated oil for massages. Any of that is incredible, isn't it? People who do ozone therapy usually report some side effects similar to a cold, with a reduction of symptoms in time. Within cases of rectal application, the patient may feel discomfort, cramps, and gas, but it is temporary.

It is worth remembering that you need never inhale ozone, as it may burn, and cause coughing, nausea, vomiting, and headaches. In every case, it may cause respiratory complications. Should you ever do ozone therapy? Do you know someone who has?